Princeton Writes is pleased to announce the formation of the Princeton Employee Public Speaking Group an informal, nonjudgmental, and mutually supportive forum in which participants can develop the skills and confidence they need to make effective oral presentations. Public speaking engenders a deep-seated fear in many of us, notes Princeton Writes director John S. Weeren, so a central goal of this group is to demonstrate that addressing an audience can be a positive even an exhilarating experience, once some basic principles and techniques are mastered. Together, we will explore these principles and techniques and put them into practice using a variety of simple and, I hope, enjoyable exercises.

No preparatiMap-of-Rockyon is needed, though participants are welcome to test drive their own material in the friendly confines of the group. Meetings will be held over a brown bag lunch on the first Thursday of every month between 12:00 and 1:30 p.m. in the Mathey/Rocky Theater and Classroom (#7 and #8). Having passed through Holder Courtyard, enter the Rockefeller College Common Room (#1) and ascend the flight of stairs on your right. The first meeting will be held on August 1. For further information, please contact

The Princeton Employee Public Speaking Group is modeled on a student organization called Speak with Style, established in the fall of 2012 with the goal of helping participants polish and perfect their presentation, pitching, and social communication skills. Undergraduates are encouraged to visit to learn more about this unique opportunity to enhance their verbal fluency.