(Patterned after The Moth Story Slam Series)
THEME: Love Hurts — true stories , told live and on-theme
DATE: Wednesday, February 19, 2020
TIME: 6:30 PM doors open 7:00 PM storytellers selected
HOST: Kevin Carlin
STORYTELLERS: 10 selected at random
VENUE: Tir na nOg (upstairs, intimate venue)
A bit o’ Ireland at Trenton/Hamilton Line
1324 Hamilton Avenue
Trenton, New Jersey
COST: $10.00 (20 maximum attendees)
$20.00 at the door, if available
PAYMENT: In advance, imagine telling a story to less than 10 or being shut out due to sellout.
Via Venmo to @Kevin-Carlin-20
WHAT IT IS: No notes storytelling 5 minutes each, audio recorded and waiver required but you will always own your story. Stories told — not read
WHAT IT AIN’T: Acting, standup, hypnotism, political speeches, Q&A audience participation, poetry recitations
RULES: Late arrivals admitted only between stories, chosen storyteller names drawn from the hat, five minutes each, stories, one minute grace, no rants, no essays, no standup, your story must be true and involve you , no props, no notes, no disrespect, Story must be on theme. No incivility, racism or hate speech. Know and respect your audience.
contact 609-947-1188 with questions by text or voice
Carlin Story Slam on FaceBook